You’ve seen the insurance commercials featuring the “Mayhem” character. The main theme of those commercials is that you never know when disaster is going to strike and that’s why you need insurance. The same thing is true in the legal world as well. Many of those same situations in the commercials will also require you to have a lawyer on hand to help you sort everything out. At the very least, you should have a plan in place; far too many people have endured the unfortunate fate of losing their entire savings when struck by an accident or disaster.
Below are a few scenarios when having legal help ready sure won't do you any harm, and could potentially save you from an enormous, unnecessary bill. Having at least a basic relationship with some legal representation like Acclaim Legal Services can always put the mind at ease instead of starting from scratch once something happens.
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Automobile Accidents
Do you know what to do when you get into an accident on the road? Do you know whether or not you are at fault (and how to figure that out)? You should, obviously, know to stay on the scene until insurance information has exchanged hands and the police have arrived to take statements; many people have unknowingly admitted fault, guaranteeing a huge bill to pay that might not have been necessary at all.
The combination of auto accidents and money is an issue that has plagued the unprepared for decades; do you know what to do if you hit a parked car? Do you know what to do when your parked car has been hit and there’s no sign of the person who did it? Knowing your legal recourse in these situations can be calming and help you figure out which steps to take first, and knowing that your savings will be safe from a huge legal payment.
Personal Accidents
Have you gotten hurt? Is it someone else’s fault? How do you know? You’ve undoubtedly heard about the person who slips on an icy patch of sidewalk in front of someone’s house and then sues the homeowner for failing to salt properly. You don’t want that to happen to you!
An unfortunate is that this happens all the time; people always want more money, and you could find yourself in the middle of a huge lawsuit if you're not prepared. You also don’t want to attempt something like that with someone else if you aren’t absolutely sure that you have the law on your side.
Another area in which this is important is when you get hurt while on the job. Work-related injuries have their own sets of laws and you should familiarize yourself with at least the basics. You could be entitled to a huge sum, or at the very least, some type of monetary and financial benefits.
Many companies and business owners are stunned when they discover they're being sued; what are you supposed to do if you get served with legal papers? Do you know who to call first? Do you have a plan in place for what to do if you get sued or called to be a witness in another lawsuit? This is where having the number of a good legal clinic if you don’t have an attorney on retainer can be helpful. If not, you might end up broke just because you were too slow to act.
To this end, what do you do when you have been wronged by someone and want to take them to court over it? Do you know how to get a lawsuit started? Being smart with your money doesn't mean suing everyone and everything that causes you discomfort or inconvenience – lawsuits are a messy and complicated business, and you don't want to find yourself winning a lawsuit, only to discover it cost your entire fortune to win.
These are just three of the areas in which having at least a basic knowledge of how the law works is a good idea. These are also situations in which having a lawyer’s number in your phone would be quite handy indeed. Make sure that (if nothing else) you know how to properly respond to each of them, what your rights are in each of these situations and whether or not you need to have your attorney present before you say anything out loud.
A couple points. First, thinking about an umbrella policy to cover unknowns and to protect your wealth is a prudent thing to do. Second, what about having an estate plan. I have done many estate administrations where there was an untimely death or no planning was done. The family is left with a mess and the quickly learn the importance of estate planning. There are a ton of articles at my blog and website on this topic for those interested.