We've all got friends in our lives that are nice people, but they always seem to be broke.
They don't have a dime to their name, and if you ask them why, they don't have a clue.
It never seems that they can figure out why they're short on cash.
Today I want to look at a few reasons why broke people are broke, and why they'll most likely continue that way (unless they make some major changes).
10 Reasons Why You're Broke
Here are a few of the reasons why people find themselves without money.

- Their problems are never their fault: Broke people don't like to take responsibility for their problems, they will often shift blame and say it's someone else's fault. They blame their friends, family and the government. They believe the old saying, “the little guy just can’t get ahead“.
- What's a budget?: A lot of people who are broke find themselves that way because they have no idea where their money is going. They've never done a budget. Their money quickly disappears every month into an endless black hole of large and small expenses.
- They don’t plan for the future. Today is all that matters: Money doesn't stick around for future uses because it is all spent today. Saving and planning for the future are foreign concepts.
- Money gets spent on things that aren't needed: We've all got those friends who just can't help themselves – they already have a couch, but they find a design they like better and buy it – even though they can't afford it. They have a phone, but decide to buy the newest greatest Iphone.
- Keeping up with the neighbors: Far too often people will buy a house in a neighborhood they can't afford, and then they end up spending even more money on the other lifestyle accessories to keep up with the Joneses. They end up buying a nicer car, a boat, expensive landscaping, etc. One bad spending decision begets another.
- You paid what?: Broke people far too often don't know how to find a good deal and even more often don't negotiate to get a better deal. Why pay more than you have to?
- Credit is their best friend: They don't practice delayed gratification, and they would never save for something they want. Just put it on the credit card until it's maxed! We'll figure out how to pay it some other time!
- They rely on others to get them out of trouble : We’ve probably all know someone who always ends up going to their parents, family or friends to help them pay for one of their debts. They get in debt up to their ears, and then when they can't pay for it, it's back to mommy and daddy's house to beg for money.
- Why budget for the future when I can have fun today: They don't like to plan ahead for tomorrow because it seems so far away. Instead, let's eat drink and be merry today!
- They are all about appearances: Broke people often are broke because they would rather have others think they are doing well, or are wealthy, than actually do the hard work of actually finding a way to be wealthy. The result? They spend a bunch of money on things they don't need in order to appear like they've got power and influence.
Obviously this list of things that broke people do isn't exhaustive, but it is more of a way to get people thinking about how and why they're making the decisions about their money that they are.
If you can catch nip some of these behaviors in the bud, you'll be much better off for it.
Have you ever engaged in any of these behaviors? Do you have a broke friend or family member that just can't seem to get out of a hole? Tell us about it in the comments!