A few months ago I wrote a post called 10 Things That Broke People Do (That Keep Them Broke).
The article talks about the negative thought patterns and bad behavior that people engage in that leads them straight to the poor house.
We talked about how they do things like shirk responsibility, never plan ahead for the future and how they would rather appear successful than actually be successful
This past week I was reading an article over at DaveRamsey.com that takes a similar tack, where Dave asked listeners to his radio show to send in things that broke people say.
Tons of people did send in what he calls “loser language”, things that people say when they aren't as responsible, or when they want to make excuses for spending money they don't have.
Since it was similar to what I had posted previously, I wanted to share some of his listener submitted list of “Things Broke People Say” today.
Things Broke People Say
- If I earn interest, I have to pay more taxes.
- There's no shame in being poor, just in dressing poorly.
- At my age, it's too late anyway.
- Why save money? You can't take it with you when you die!
- We're only young once!
- But it's only zero percent interest!
- I'll pay it off next month!
- Old cars just aren't safe.
- Whatever you want, dear.
- I'll start my budget next month.
- It's for the kids.
- I work hard so I deserve to have it!
- I'll just keep paying the minimum payment.
- My rich grandparents are going to die soon.
- I want my kids to have it better than I did.
- It's cheaper to eat out than eat at home.
- Always keep a house payment for tax purposes.
- I'll save next year when I'm making more money.
- We'll pay it off when the tax return comes in.
- You have to leverage debt to become rich!
- I need to invest in a car.
- Why save ? The Lord is coming back soon!
- If I make more money, I will lose my food stamps!
- If everybody got out of debt, the economy would collapse!
- You'll always have a car note.
- Just put it on the card and we will worry about it when it comes in..
- Being debt free isn't for everyone.
- It's only money! We'll make more.
- I must be able to afford this (car, house, etc.)since I was approved for the loan.
- I'll just use a cash advance from my Mastercard to pay down my VISA.
I've heard more than one of these over the past few years, and I'm sure you have as well.
Question is, have you ever made some of those excuses to yourself? I know I have!
To keep the ball rolling, tell us a few things that you've heard broke people say – or have said yourself! Leave a note in the comments!